With the desire ensure that I monitored my daily living for Christ (which was almost like carrying out the well known quality management framework – plan, do, act, check – over my life) to be certain that I was not stagnant but that I continued moving forward and emerging in certain areas of my life, especially where I knew I had stepped back – hiding behind everything that kept me occupied but with an effect of running away from the very essence of what God was calling me to do. At this point, I knew I was now to set myself up to take on any challenge with great boldness.
Spending time in the presence of God and allowing Him to speak to me, my best friend the Holy Spirit, directed me to many scriptures for moving forward and today I share 25 of them with you. I use these scriptures alongside my daily devotions, my precious moments with my Lord. These have undoubtedly helped me and I hope that you will find them helpful too.